Meet the Expert

Meet The Expert

Current updates on immunization and care for CHILDREN living with HIV/AIDS

Thursday 6th February 2020
between 03.30 -04.45p.m @ Shanti Ashram

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Ensuring Integrated Development of Children living with HIV/AIDS
On one side, specialized programs for children must be created to respond to the changing face of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. On the other, the long term goal is to mainstream preventive work so that we can also prevent HIV/AIDS and give our children a more informed and healthy start to life. HIV/AIDS programming will stand to benefit from local and global initiatives such as SUDAR implemented by Shanti Ashram since 2006. A “basket of ideas” approach rather than a one – size will help us care for children living with HIV better and will also help create a healthier society.

Why focus on Children and young people living with HIV?
Risk perception amongst people continues to vary; some still considering it’s a problem of high – risk groups and some understanding that the epidemic has extended from high – risk population to general population. Thus there is a need to implement awareness programs according to the local context.
In many places a culture of silence surrounds the problem Often this silence is caused by a religious association between HIV/AIDS and immorality. This prevents many who are living with the infection, particularly women from seeking support that could help them and their families lead healthier and responsible lives. There is a need thus to engage faith leaders. FBO’s are an important partner in our entire programme.
Education plays a major role in social conditioning. Segregation of male and female students is a common practice in schools even today. Gender bias plays a key role in socialization. Thus working with families living with the burden is an integral part of the family.
Today, health care and services can significantly improve the quality of life for children and young people living with HIV/AIDS. This session will focus on current thinking and protocols on ‘immunization and care’.
The overall goal continues to be providingyoung people and children living with HIV (including Orphan & Vulnerable Children) an improved quality of life and reduced vulnerability.

Profile of the Speaker

Dr.Nandhini Kumaran, MBBS, DCH, PGPN(Ped.Nutrition)

Dr.Nandhini Kumaran, MBBS, DCH, PGPN (Ped.Nutrition) is an alumni of the Coimbatore Medical College. She distinguished herself as the ‘Best outgoing student of the batch Pediatrics’ from Madras Medical College. She is the ‘National winner of practicing pediatricians Quiz’ in 2002. She has been the Past President of Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Coimbatore branch. Her professional career of 33 years has helped her care for thousands of children and be a role model for young Pediatricians and Physicians. Currently she is devoted to full time practice at Ramnagar, Coimbatore and serves as a visiting Pediatric Consultant at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital. Her technical areas of interest include: Nutrition, Pediatric allergy, Infectious diseases including Dengue ,Kawasaki disease.

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