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Nurturing the Spiritual Development of Children

Classroom Implementation – Observation Analysis at Bala Shanti Kendra’s

Shanti Ashram has successfully piloted the
Toolkit on ‘Nurturing the Spiritual Development of Children in the Early Years’ in India.

The pilot implementation was undertaken through a partnership between Shanti Ashram and Arigatou International Geneva. The toolkit itself is an outcome of the four-year collaborative process undertaken by the International Consortium on Nurturing Values and Spirituality in Early Childhood for the Prevention of Violence, convened by Arigatou International. Shanti Ashram is a member of the International Consortium.

Our pilot implementation of work in India:

As part of the collaboration with Arigatou International, Shanti Ashram fulfilled specific functions as the implementation partner in India. This included:

  • Appointing independent Points of Contact for project implementation and Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning
  • Contextualizing implementation to meet local cultural needs of the community, ensuring project sustainability
  • Coordinating, organizing and delivering various training sessions – for trainers, facilitators, educators, and parents
  • Co-defining and leading MEL process, spanning data collection, collation, analysis and reporting; further using learnings to ensure project sustainability and potential scale up
  • Hosting Communities of Practice with facilitators and supporting joint advocacy efforts to strengthen implementation and promote importance of spiritual development of children