In India the nation-wide lockdown started at the stroke of the midnight hour on 25th March, 2019.
Millions have a new situation where they are not only at home but confined mostly indoors, their daily association with fellow children, adults and elders disrupted and they watch over each other with heightened anxiety. The lives of vulnerable children, elders and their families have today the compounded burden of deprivation, disease and physical isolation. As the Nobel Laureate Abhijit Banerjee said in an interview, ‘the poor are not just losing their livelihoods; they are also probably at a potential risk of losing their health and their lives’.
While the situation is still dynamic, evidence based policy, physical isolation, disruption of the transmission and care of the most vulnerable are the continuing the goals of these national public health measures. Government and people’s support for both the measures have been positive.
According to Population Census 2011 there are nearly 104 million elderly persons (aged 60 years or above) in India;53 million females and 51 million males. There is an urgent need to care for them during the COVID 19 Pandemic. This especially because extended geriatric care and essential services has been disrupted during the Pandemic. We are stepping up our efforts again during COVID 19!
During COVID 19 Pandemic we have cared for a cohort of our ‘Patti’s’
We put together a special COVID 19 relief package for the elders with
This was possible with your help.
PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
Masonic Medical Center for Children
Avinashilingam University for Women
Haute Ecole de la Sante La Source (HEdS La Source)
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