Health in India can be examined in terms of multiple indicators, which vary by geography, socio-economic standards and culture. To adequately improve the health of women and men in India, multiple dimensions of wellbeing must be analyzed in relation to global health averages. Currently, women and men in India face a multitude of health problems, which ultimately affect their personal lives as well as the country, its productivity and economy.
3 contemporary conditions standout and have to be addressed in our efforts to improve the quality of life of our general population at large and contribute towards the wellbeing of all.
Besides quality medical services, availability of a series of allied health services like nutritional counseling, mental health services, physical therapy, social support and creative volunteering are still not fully integrated into primary health care models. There is proven evidence of allied health services impacting the above health challenges amongst children, women, men and the elderly as well as improving the quality of life amongst vulnerable sections of the community.
PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
Masonic Medical Center for Children
Avinashilingam University for Women
Haute Ecole de la Sante La Source (HEdS La Source)
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