Building Self Esteem and Managing Stress Among and with Adolescent Boys & girls
Building Self Esteem and Managing Stress Among and with Adolescent Boys & girls
Building Self Esteem and Managing Stress
Among and with Adolescent Boys & girls
Positive self-esteem for teens is important as it allows them to try new things, take healthy risks and solve problems. In turn, their learning and development will be productive and will set them up for a healthy and positive future. Therefore, it is essential to build teen self-esteem early in a child’s life through:
• Actively building their self-esteem through reflection, learning and practice
• Encouraging them to avoid comparisons
• Guiding them to use social media responsibly
• Staying involved and keeping communication going
• Demonstrating unconditional love and self-compassion
• Help our adolescent boys and girls to volunteer & help others
Our Goal for the year includes:
• Enhancing the Knowledge base of Shanti Ashram-ICPH staff on ‘Self-esteem & its role in the mental well-being & progress of children’.
• Led by a Public health team comprising of a Counsellor, Social worker and Nursing assistant reaching out to 500 vulnerable adolescent boys and girls . The children will be currently studying in 5 partner Government schools , located in the service villages of ICPH. The main focus of this initiative is to introduce the topic, initiate a discussion and make available individual counselling sessions at request by children.