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Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs)


Non communicable diseases (NCDs), including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and chronic lung disease, are collectively responsible for almost 70% of all deaths worldwide. Almost three quarters of all NCD deaths, and 82% of the 16 million people who died prematurely, or before reaching 70 years of age, occur in low- and middle-income countries.

The rise of NCDs has been driven by primarily four major risk factors: tobacco use, physical inactivity, the harmful use of alcohol and unhealthy diets. The epidemic of NCDs poses devastating health consequences for individuals, families and communities, and threatens to overwhelm health systems. The socioeconomic costs associated with NCDs make the prevention and control of these diseases a major development imperative for the 21st century.

The International Center for Child and Public Health along with its partners Masonic Medical Center for Children, Microbiological Laboratory, Ecloe de santé La source and Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) are committed to respond to this public health challenge and change the course of the epidemic in India.

We also hope to augment WHO’s mission to provide leadership and the evidence base for international action on surveillance, prevention and control of NCDs.

ICPH’s Childhood Prevention of Non Communicable Disease (NCD) is a step ahead in responding to the NCD Challenge’s.